The Synergy team head to Hotelympia!
It’s the penultimate day here at Hotelympia. It sure has been busy! There’s a great hustle and bustle about the place and we’ve shown hundreds of interested people our Synergy Grills.
They’ve been lured over by the smell of Chef Nate Brewster’s amazing food and then bowled over (we hope!) by learning how our chargrills use 52% less gas and there’s no fat tray to clean. We don’t need to explain how juicy meat is cooked on the grill as they can try it for themselves.
Some highlights so far include The Staff Canteen Live stage which is right by our stand. Chefs to feature on the stage so far include fellow Cambridge-ite and Chef extraordinaire Daniel Clifford from the two Michelin starred restaurant Midsummer House and Nathan Outlaw, who also holds two Michelin stars for his self-titled restaurant Outlaw’s in Cornwall.
We also had the double pleasure of seeing two-time Michelin starred Chef (notice a theme here?!?) Tom Kerridge on stage. We’ve all got a pretty big soft spot for him.
Here's our Phil with the main man himself, Tommy K!
Jason Atherton talked about the current issues facing the industry – the chef shortage, lack of female chefs and his advice on opening restaurants abroad. Fascinating stuff.
Jelly Bean Creative Solutions have been marvellously hospitable in the press office providing us with expert PR advice. Whilst we know they’re less about sweets and more about helping their clients hit the ‘sweet spot’, we have really enjoyed their sweets. And coffee. And popcorn.
Here’s to a cracking final day here at Hotelympia.
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